Ios – Raising minimum iOS Deployment Target Version for App Update


Let's say we have an application with a deployment target set to 3.0 and we want to raise the deployment target to 3.2. Normally, the App Store won't let the App be installed on devices with an IOS version less then this, but what about devices which already had the App installed prior to the update? Will they see the update but won't be able to install, will they just not see the update or, heavens forbid, will be able to install and the app just won't start?

I searched everywhere for this, but I can't find anything about raising the minimum OS version for an app update.


Best Answer

From my experience those updates just won't show up as available.

When I upgraded OS on my device from 3.1 to 4.1 about 10 available updates appeared immediately in App store app - so that should be the actual behavior.

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