Ios – Resizing UITableView to fit content

iosobjective csizetofituitableview

I am creating an app which will have a question in a UILabel and a multiple choice answers displayed in UITableView, each row showing a multiple choice. Questions and answers will vary, so I need this UITableView to be dynamic in height.

I would like to find a sizeToFit work around for the table. Where the table's frame is set to the height of all it's content.

Can anyone advise on how I can achieve this?

Best Answer

Swift 5 and 4.2 solution without KVO, DispatchQueue, or setting constraints yourself.

This solution is based on Gulz's answer.

1) Create a subclass of UITableView:

import UIKit

final class ContentSizedTableView: UITableView {
    override var contentSize:CGSize {
        didSet {

    override var intrinsicContentSize: CGSize {
        return CGSize(width: UIView.noIntrinsicMetric, height: contentSize.height)

2) Add a UITableView to your layout and set constraints on all sides. Set the class of it to ContentSizedTableView.

3) You should see some errors, because Storyboard doesn't take our subclass' intrinsicContentSize into account. Fix this by opening the size inspector and overriding the intrinsicContentSize to a placeholder value. This is an override for design time. At runtime it will use the override in our ContentSizedTableView class

Update: Changed code for Swift 4.2. If you're using a prior version, use UIViewNoIntrinsicMetric instead of UIView.noIntrinsicMetric