Ios – Storyboard: How to let Xcode automatically update frames when I change layout constraints


I have seen a WWDC 2014 video (What's new in Interface Builder) where the presenter uses Storyboard and changes the height of a table view cell prototype within a table view controller (at around 7m30s). I see all the subviews of that cell resize as he drags the height-handle on the cell. This is great, because now you can see how your layout constraints behave in different scenarios very quickly.

He doesn't explain how he does it. Because when I drag the height-handle of a table view cell prototype, the frames of all my subviews don't update. They only update when I select from the menu: Editor > Resolve Auto Layout Issues > Update Frames (All Views in Table View Controller)

Is there an Xcode setting anywhere that toggles live-updating the view frames I see in Storyboard, obeying the layout constraints?

Best Answer

In theory, you should be able to turn on “Descendants” in the “Resizing Behavior” popup menu (lower-right corner of the storyboard editor).

In practice, it's broken in your case. I have the same problem. You can report the bug at

Possibly it works better in Yosemite. I'm still running Mavericks.