Ios – Streaming audio and video into IOS app


I am creating an iPhone app on Xcode with build in video and music, the trouble is I want to keep the whole app below 20MB

I've compressed the videos to a OK standard but I'm still over the 20MB

Is there a way I can just stream the videos from a server, so when I click on my video / Audio button in the app it plays like it was saved within the app.

Many Thanks

Best Answer

Try this:

MPMoviePlayerViewController *movieView = [[MPMoviePlayerViewController alloc] initWithContentURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://movieurl"]];

[self presentMoviePlayerViewControllerAnimated:movieView];

don't forget to import MediaPlayerFramework

If you need more control over streaming, playback or the view itself, see MPMoviePlayerController Class Reference

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