Ios – Swift – UITableViewController with navigation bar


I am facing an issue with one of my table view controllers. I don't seem to be able to get the navigation bar to show on top no matter what option I enable (maybe I am missing something).

I tried the following:

  • Selecting the controller in storyboard and going to attributes inspector and ensuring that top bar is set to Translucent Navigation (didn't work)
  • In the viewWillAppear function, I wrote: (didn't work)

self.navigationController?.navigationBarHidden = false

Attached is also an image of the controller discussed. How can I do show the top bar? otherwise the results are ugly since the records showing (rows) are starting from the very top. I do not wish to use UIEdgeInsetsMake to fix it if possible.

enter image description here


enter image description here

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Best Answer

Click the ordersViewController. Then in the top bar Editor > Embed In > Navigation Controller and remove the navigationbar you currently have in the VC.