Ios – SwiftUI can’t tap in Spacer of HStack


I've got a List view and each row of the list contains an HStack with some text view('s) and an image, like so:

    if (groupModel.required) { Text("Required").color(Color.gray) }
    Image("ic_collapse").renderingMode(.template).rotationEffect(Angle(degrees: 90)).foregroundColor(Color.gray)
}.tapAction { self.groupSelected( }

This seems to work great, except when I tap in the empty section between my text and the image (where the Spacer() is) the tap action is not registered. The tap action will only occur when I tap on the text or on the image.

Has anyone else faced this issue / knows a workaround?

Best Answer

As I've recently learned there is also:

HStack {
.onTapGesture { ... }

Works well for me.

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