Ios – SwiftUI HStack with Wrap


Is it possible that the blue tags (which are currently truncated) are displayed completely and then it automatically makes a line break?

NavigationLink(destination: GameListView()) {
  VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 5){
    // Name der Sammlung:

    // Optional: Für welche Konsolen bzw. Plattformen:
    HStack(alignment: .top, spacing: 10){
      ForEach(collection.platforms, id: \.self) { platform in
          .padding(.all, 5)
  .padding(.vertical, 10)

enter image description here

Also, there should be no line breaks with in the blue tags:

enter image description here

That's how it should look in the end:

enter image description here

Best Answer

Here is some approach of how this could be done using alignmentGuide(s). It is simplified to avoid many code post, but hope it is useful.

Update: There is also updated & improved variant of below solution in my answer for SwiftUI HStack with wrap and dynamic height

This is the result:

swiftui wrapped layout

And here is full demo code (orientation is supported automatically):

import SwiftUI

struct TestWrappedLayout: View {
    @State var platforms = ["Ninetendo", "XBox", "PlayStation", "PlayStation 2", "PlayStation 3", "PlayStation 4"]

    var body: some View {
        GeometryReader { geometry in
            self.generateContent(in: geometry)

    private func generateContent(in g: GeometryProxy) -> some View {
        var width =
        var height =

        return ZStack(alignment: .topLeading) {
            ForEach(self.platforms, id: \.self) { platform in
                self.item(for: platform)
                    .padding([.horizontal, .vertical], 4)
                    .alignmentGuide(.leading, computeValue: { d in
                        if (abs(width - d.width) > g.size.width)
                            width = 0
                            height -= d.height
                        let result = width
                        if platform == self.platforms.last! {
                            width = 0 //last item
                        } else {
                            width -= d.width
                        return result
                    .alignmentGuide(.top, computeValue: {d in
                        let result = height
                        if platform == self.platforms.last! {
                            height = 0 // last item
                        return result

    func item(for text: String) -> some View {
            .padding(.all, 5)

struct TestWrappedLayout_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
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