Ios – The image set name “xxx” is used by multiple image sets with localized Asset Catalog (.xcassets)


I would like to use one Images.xcassets directory for each language supported by my app.

So in the finder I put one Images.xcassets directory in each .lproj directory

enter image description here

enter image description here

In xCode I have:

enter image description here

For both the english and french xcassets they have english and french checked in localization field in xCode.

enter image description here

But when I compile I've got warnings for all my images in the Asset Catalogs:

The image set name "xxx" is used by multiple image sets

How can I correct the error ?

Best Answer

You can't have two images with the same name on xcassets.

I found this because i had one image with this name 'default.png' for iPad and other with the same name for iPhone inside of a file of xcassets. The reason for your warning is because of this. Two images with the same name.

The solution is to have one image 'default.png' and inside configure the different devices that the image supports.