Ios – UICollectionView insertItem -> adjust animation time


So, I have a UICollectionView where I insert new items.

I used the most of the suggestions from the Collection View Programming Guide – section "Making Insertion and Deletion Animations More Interesting"

Is there a way to adjust the animation time? (Maybe I just missed it in the docs, but couldn't find any info on this)

PS: If I could edit the curve that would be cool too. You know Ease-In-Out and so forth.

Best Answer

You can change any animation speed with CALayer. So for UICollectionView this looks like the following:

[self.collectionView.viewForBaselineLayout.layer setSpeed:0.1f];

And you can change back the original speed:

[self.collectionView.viewForBaselineLayout.layer setSpeed:1.0f];

For this to work you may need to import QuartzCore:

#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
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