Ios – UIScrollView Custom Paging

iosiphoneobjective cuiscrollviewuiview

My question has to do with a custom form of paging which I am trying to do with a scroller, and this is easier to visualise if you first consider the type of scroll view implemented in a slot machine.

So say my UIScrollView has a width of 100 pixels. Assume it contains 3 inner views, each with a width of 30 pixels, such that they are separated by a width of 3 pixels. The type of paging which I would like to achieve, is such that each page is one of my views (30 pixels), and not the whole width of the scroll view.

I know that usually, if the view takes up the whole width of the scroll view, and paging is enabled then everything works. However, in my custom paging, I also want surrounding views in the scroll view to be visible as well.

How would I do this?

Best Answer

I just did this for another project. What you need to do is to place the UIScrollView into a custom implementation of UIView. I created a class for this called ExtendedHitAreaViewController. The ExtendedHitAreaView overrides the hitTest function to return its first child object, which will be your scroll view.

Your scroll view should be the page size you want, i.e., 30px with clipsToBounds = NO. The extended hit area view should be the full size of the area you want to be visible, with clipsToBounds = YES.

Add the scroll view as a subview to the extended hit area view, then add the extended hit area view to your viewcontroller's view.

@implementation ExtendedHitAreaViewContainer

- (UIView *)hitTest:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
    if ([self pointInside:point withEvent:event]) {
        if ([[self subviews] count] > 0) {
            //force return of first child, if exists
            return [[self subviews] objectAtIndex:0];
        } else {
            return self;
    return nil;