Ios – UITableview didSelectRowAtIndexPath supercedes double tap gesture by UITapGestureRecognizer


I've set up a UITableView with a double-tap UITapGestureRecognizer. But attempts to double-tap a cell by the user just launches didSelectRowAtIndexPath twice. Are these two supposed to work together?

(i'm aware i could use a single tap gesture recognizer in place of the built-in behavior of didSelectRowAtIndexPath, but here's the problem with that: the cell also has a button that I can't press anymore when i add the single tap gesture recognizer. Also, I've seen examples on SO of users building double tap functionality into didSelectRowAtIndexPath, but isn't that a bit too much of a hack?)

Best Answer

More info about Kris' answer:

  • cancelsTouchesInView
  • delaysTouchesBegan
  • delaysTouchesEnded

In my case I had a problem when adding 2 tap gestures to a UIImageView that was on a custom UITableViewCell. What happened was the didSelectRowAtIndexPath: was called when you tap/double tap on the UIImageView. When I had only one tap gesture, the didSelectRowAtIndexPath: was not called (and for me, that was the right behavior.

To prevent the didSelectRowAtIndexPath: from being called when using two tap gestures (single/double tap), I added this code to the first tap gesture (the single one):

tapGesture.cancelsTouchesInView = YES;
tapGesture.delaysTouchesBegan = YES;

After this change, a tap/double on the UIImageView (on top of the custom cell) did not trigger the didSelectRowAtIndexPath: