Ios – Xcode 4 – Adding the iOS developer library reference to Organizer – Documentation


In Xcode 4, my Organizer – Documentation window doesn't appear to have the iOS documentation installed, only Mac OS X 10.6 Core Library and Xcode 4.0 Developer Library.

Does anyone know if it's possible to add it without re-installing the whole of Xcode 4? (which I really don't want to do…)


Best Answer

Go to Xcode -> Preferences -> Documentation and click GET on the iOS 4.3 Documentation. In the iTunes-style status window, the download progress will be shown.

As of the release of Xcode 4.2 with iOS 5:

Go to Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads -> (Tab) Documentation and click Install on the documentation libraries you need. The download progress will be shown in that window for each documentation library you chose to install.