Ios – Xcode 4: Creating a UIView xib, not properly connecting


I'm trying to create a nib that contains a view that will be embedded in a TableViewCell. I've created the interface and implementation files, ResultCell.h and ResultCell.m. They're stock, out-of-the-box, no code changes.

I then create an empty XIB file, and drag a UIView onto it. Then I click File's Owner, and set the type to ResultCell. I click the view, and set its class to also be ResultCell.

Here are the problems I have:

  1. When using the Assistant Editor view (which I live in), the ResultCell.h file doesn't appear when I'm viewing the ResultCell.xib file. I have to force it to load by clicking on Automatic and selecting the file.
  2. When I drop a label in the view, and then Ctrl+Click and drag to the .h to create an outlet, I get this error message: "Could not insert new outlet connection: Could not find any information about the class named ResultCell."

I've tried creating and re-creating the view, and it's just not working, and I've started to lose my patience. Any help would be very, very appreciated!

Best Answer

I got into a similar state just today. It was very odd: I could attach any XIB (new or existing) to any already-existing ViewController class in the project, but I could not create a new ViewController and have it attach properly to any XIB. The "assistant" functionality didn't work, nor did the IB-to-headerfile-connection functionality.

Closing the project and re-opening did not fix it.
Quitting XCode and restarting did not fix it.
Creating a new project and testing the functionality worked fine, which led me to believe there was something corrupt in some cache somewhere.

My solution

  • Close your project.
  • Go to the ~/Library/Developer/XCode/DerivedData folder and REMOVE all subfolders there referencing the project you are working on.
  • Open your project in XCode. The problem should be fixed now.

Incidentally, just running a full clean did not seem to clear things up. I had to trash the derived data. I'm certain I got into this position because of git games I was playing, but I had no idea how to get out, because even switching back to earlier git revisions didn't help. (That was a big clue also that it was something untracked by the project itself.)

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