Ios – Xcode 5/iOS 7 – localization not working in simulator


I was following one of Ray Wenderlich's tutorials on localization but I can't seem to get it working.

I've set my project up for localization in English and French and I have a locaziable.strings file for each:

enter image description here

The French file has the correct (well as far as Google translate goes) French versions of my string:

enter image description here

I'm setting the strings by calling the correct key from the localizable.strings file:

 NSString* strTitle = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Title", Nil)];

And I have the simulator set to French (BTW: Whenever I do a language change the simulator crashes).

But it is not pulling from the correct localizable.strings file. It's still displaying in English:

enter image description here

Am I doing something wrong?

Best Answer

If you are using xcode 6.1.1 and iOS sdk 8.1,try this workaround.

It seems localization does not work with xCode 6.1 and 8.1 simulator. Workaround: Go to "edit schemes" >> "Run" (side bar) >> "Options" tab >> "Application Language" Select the language you wish to run the app on the simulator. I got this workaround from Workaround by natanavra Thanks to him.

However I read on developer forum,that it is working in 6.2 beta version of Xcode. Hope it do.