Xcode 6 storyboard screen size wrong in iPhone5s(iOS 7) but not (iOS 8)


I created a new project with xcode 6.0.1 using swift and set deployment target to iOS 7.0.

The screen size is wrong for iPhone 5s in iOS7 – it shouldn't have any black spaces.

blacks spaces in iPhone 5S

Best Answer

In new Xcode 6 projects, you don't have these Default-568h@2x.png images.

Do the next steps to fix it:

1) Open your Images.xcassets and look for LaunchImage. It is probably missing.


2) In this case, click on + (located at the bottom) and click on New Launch Image.

3) Select your project target and open Build Settings tab. Look for "Asset Catalog Compiler - Options" section and then "Asset Catalog Launch Image Set Name", if it is empty type LaunchImage.

Asset Catalog Compiler
