Ios – Xcode 8 – IB Designables – Failed to render and update auto layout status, The agent crashed


I recently upgraded to Xcode 8 and I am having issues with the Storyboard.

If I open the project and I don't have the Storyboard open, it will compile and run just fine. Once I open up the Storyboard, I get multiple errors about IB Designables as shown below.

enter image description here

These views are the only views that are using custom views from TextFieldEffects and BEMCheckbox that I imported using Cocoapods.

Best Answer

You can try one of the following to figure out the cause:

  1. look for the IBDesignablesAgentCocoaTouch logs in this directory: ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports and see the cause.

Note: for user with Catalina: look for IBDesignablesAgent-iOS_<DATE>-<MAC_NAME>.crash

  1. Go to the Editor -> Debug Selected View while selecting your @IBDesignable UIView in your storyboard, and see the stack trace.

  2. Delete Derive Data folder.

    Xcode Preference -> Location -> Derived Data
  3. Clean your project Shift + Command + Alt + K.

  4. Build your project Command + B.