IOS5 NSURLConnection methods deprecated


I'm trying to write an iOS app that makes asynchronous requests to get data over the network. It seems like a lot of people recommend using NSURLConnection for this, and frequently mention the delegate method connection:didReceiveData:.

Unfortunately, I cannot for the life of me find out where this delegate method is documented. For one, it is not in the protocol reference for NSURLConnectionDelegate. It is listed in the NSURLConnection Class Reference, but has apparently been deprecated as of iOS5. The documentation does not explain why it was deprecated, or what developers should use instead to achieve similar functionality.

What am I missing? A lot of what I've read seems to imply that big changes were made to NSURLConnection for iOS5. Where are these changes documented? Is the documentation of delegate methods complete?


Best Answer

Fishing around the header files tells me that the methods were moved from an informal protocol (which is a deprecated Obj-C pattern) into a formal delegate protocol called NSURLConnectionDataDelegate that's in NSURLConnection.h, but doesn't have a public documentation.

The rest of the documentation keeps using the methods as before, so my guess is this is an omission in the documentation. I.e. the methods (mostly) aren't going anywhere, they were just reshuffled into several protocols and the documentation team has been slacking off. Try making your delegate object conform to the appropriate protocol, and implement the methods with the signatures from the header file.

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