Iphone – App store name and info.plist


I've just completed my first app and having tested I'm ready for submission.

However, despite numerous web searches and reading, I'm struggling to finalise the method required to enable me to have a different name on the app store to the name that appears under the app on the device home screen.

In the info.plist file there is reference to bundle display name, executable name, bundle name, bundle identifier, product name etc.

So, for example, say I would like the app store name to display as:


and I would like the name below the icon on the device home screen to display as:


How should I enter the data in the info.plist file to achieve the above?

Many thanks in advance for your help.


Best Answer

The name on the App. Store is set when you submit the app, on the Apple webpage, not in code.

To change the name on the Springboard modify the Info.plist changing Bundle Display Name property from ${PRODUCT_NAME} to the desired name.

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