Iphone – Base SDK & iOS Dev Target


I have an application that was originally written using iOS 3.1 Last week I did an update to the application via iTunes Connect but mistakenly left the "Base SDK" and "iPhone OS Deployment Target" both set to 4.1 I now plan to resubmit the application using "Base SDK: 4.1" and "iPhone OS Deployment Target:3.1"

My questions is: as its currently posted with both values set to 4.1 does that mean that the application will only run on 4.1, although I am guessing it will run on anything later than 4.1? N/B: the application is fully compatible with 3.1 (i.e. its not using any 4.0 features)

My understanding of the two options is:
"Base SDK" is the newest version number of iOS whose features you want.
"iPhone OS Deployment Target" is the oldest version number of iOS that you will support

Best Answer

Your understanding is correct, it's exactly like that.

Regarding your question: of course your app will run on newer OS versions, provided they don't remove any methods/classes you use. But if your app does not make use of 4.0 features or properly asks for their existence via respondsToSelector: then I would definitely set the Deployment Target to 3.1 in order to get a bigger user base. But your Base SDK should be set to 4.1

AFAIK there's going to be a Use newest SDK option for Base SDK in the upcoming Xcode 4 so you don't have to worry about that switch any more when upgrading Xcode/iOS-SDK.

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