Iphone – Development Investment differences between iPhone and Symbian


Which one is cheaper: to develope on top of Symbian or on top of iPhone? Both direct $-figures and time-to-market figures are warmly welcome.

Best Answer

It's probably also worth noting here that the Symbian developer experience is in the middle of a massive overhaul. If you want to start developing native apps on Symbian, then learning Symbian C++ now would be a little crazy. Qt is the new application framework for future Symbian devices (and can be installed to current ones). IMO, Qt is an even nicer framework than Cocoa.

Regarding whether the investment will pay off, the jury is still out. It's fair to say that MOST iPhone developers don't make money - the store is too crowded and the number of junk apps is incredibly high. Symbian app stores like Nokia's Ovi are too new to have meaningful stats, but so far it seems average selling prices are a bit higher. In the medium term, the addressable market for Symbian devices through app stores is going to be much higher, as iPhone is ultra-high-end only, but those consumers are also the ones with most cash to burn on junky apps. So if you want to write gimmicky novelty apps then iPhone is probably best. If you've got a genuinely useful service to deliver, I expect you'll make more money on Symbian.