Iphone – How to get iPhone SDK 2.2.1 for Xcode 3.2


After my upgrade to Snow Leopard and Xcode 3.2 (which I really regret a lot!!), Xcode lost all the SDK's. I'm one of those old-fashioned idiots who still want to develop for 2.2.1. But Apple does not offer me an old SDK download.

Now I was clever and made tons of time machine backups. But: What's the preferred way to get iPhone SDK 2.2.1 running with Xcode 3.2? Some guys said that's generally possible. I do hope so because I still don't believe in all those "faked" stats, and besided that, my app doesn't benefit from 3.x additional features so I would not want to constrain my market just for that lazyness.

Any idea?

Best Answer

Regardless of whether or not you're targeting iPhone OS 3.0 or not using any 3.0 specific features, you should always compile your app against the latest SDKs to benefit from bug fixes and performance improvements.

You can compile against the 3.0 SDK and set the iPhone OS Deployment Target to 2.2.1 and still cater for users who are using 2.2.1.

You may find that some methods have been deprecated, but that doesn't stop you from using them until you're ready to move on.