Iphone – How to install the .app file in to iphone device


I have an .app file and the provisional profile this also contain the devices that has been bounded at the creating of this provisional profile when i use to compile it and install in the iphone via XCODE than it goes successfully in the iphone without any problem with this provisional profile.
But when i remove the all provisional and the app file from the iphone and pick the app file and provisional and install it via itunes through a window system it shows me the code sign error even when i sync the iphone through the itunes it get install the provisional in the iphone but unable to install the app file.

Is there any proper way via which i can install it on window or any other OS without any fail or any tutorial ..


Best Answer

Is the app file that you are trying to install through iTunes built in Distribution configuration and using a Distribution provisioning profile? You will be able to drag, drop and install a distribution build (.app) from iTunes. However, you can install both development and distribution provisioning profiles from iTunes by dragging and dropping.