Iphone – invalid entitlements 0xE8008016 when I add the entitlements file


I'm trying to do ad hoc distribution. When I use XCode, the application installs fine on my phone.

In preparation for ad hoc distribution, I created the default entitlements file, unchecked the get-task-allow box, added the entitlements file name to the code signing entitlements line, and tried to install on my phone.

If I have the file in the entitlements in build settings, I get the (dreaded) error

The entitlements specified in your application's Code Signing Entitlements file do not match those specified in your provisioning profile.


This ONLY happens if I have the entitlements file listed in the code signing section.

I created a brand new application to test this, to see what could have gone wrong and this happens with a completely new test application (so it doesn't seem like clean builds, opening and closing XCode, etc will help).

What am I missing? I've read all of the other times this has occurred and nothing seems to apply.

Best Answer

You need to follow these steps

  • Have you changed the bundle identifier in your project's info.plist???

Please make sure that this also matches with your provisioning profile's identifier.

  • go to your projects info. select the configuration you want your build to be deployed then check in build settings that you have added the dist.plist file and the provisioning profile is the same thta you need to run with.

  • If you are making the build for distribution then set the get-task-allow mark as unchecked

Hope this helps.