Iphone – Keep iPhone UIButton Highlighted


I have the following code snippets:

@interface Foo: UIViewController {
  UIButton *myButton;

@implementation Foo

- (void) viewDidLoad {
  myButton.highlighted = YES;

When I run the app, the button is highlighted in blue (default behavior). It works as I expected.

But after pressing the button once, the button is no longer highlighted.

Then, I created an IBAction highlightButton to handle Touch Up Inside event where I explicitly call myButton.highlighted = Yes;. Unfortunately, the button highlight still does not stay.

How can I keep it highlighted in blue even after being pressed?

Best Answer

The solution is to do [button setHighlighted:YES] in the next runloop:

- (void)highlightButton:(UIButton *)b { 
    [b setHighlighted:YES];

 - (IBAction)onTouchup:(UIButton *)sender {
    [self performSelector:@selector(highlightButton:) withObject:sender afterDelay:0.0];
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