Iphone – Overlaps the status bar on view iOS7


I have develop the my iPad application in ios6 but now i want to develop that application in ios7 also , I am using .xib file and I am not using the AutoLayout i want to use the black status bar in my application and i want to make the application similar like ios 6 but the status bar is overlap on the view i use the different code like below link

Link 1
Position of navigation bar for modal view – iOS7

Link 2
iOS 7 – Status bar overlaps the view

Thanks in Advance

enter image description here

Best Answer

wont happen, two options:

  1. use a custom background image that is sized accordingly.. IIRC 44 (for navbar) + 20 (for status bar)


  1. account for the 20 pixels by using a custom view which is black :D