IPhone SDK UIProgressView tint color and App Store Rejection


I've written an iPhone application that is just about ready to be submitted to the Apple Store. My app uses a UIProgressView to indicate the progress of a download. I noticed that the only customization is the aqua blue or default style. I found some code and info on the web that lets me set the tint color of a sub-classed UIProgressBar.

Will sub classing this Apple control and adding functionality to it for setting the tint color get my app rejected? Thanks for your replies in advance.

Best Answer

No. Extending a built-in class by subclassing it is a normal and expected part of objected-oriented development. As long as your custom class does not use any private properties or methods you shouldn't run into any problems. In particular, if what the code you found does is override UIProgressView's drawRect: method, then you should be fine.

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