IPhone SDK – UIWebView embedding a YouTube Video


I am using this to prevent the app from opening the youtube app and instead plays the video whilst staying inside my app.

It works fine and all but it's a bit slow with loading it's date (they're inside a tableview, each cell for about 15 atm~).

The moment when it suddenly loads everything correctly is when this error has been passed into the debugging console:

warning: Unable to read symbols for "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/3.1.2 (7D11) /Symbols/System/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/YouTubePlugin.webplugin/YouTubePlugin" (file not found).

  1. Is it possible that this slows down
    the loading of the uiwebview? (as
    soon as this error's been passed it
    suddenly quickly loads all the
  2. If it doesn't slow anything down is it something my app could get rejected on?

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

The warning is there because the youtube plugin used by your device does not exist in the simulator (indeed, the youtube app is not present in the simulator either). The delay you experience is due to continuous polling of the debugger for info from the original plugin in your device.