Iphone – TableView won’t send setEditing message to cells


So far I have a UITableView, it works properly and all.

My problem is when going into "editing" mode, apparently the cells are not changing at all, and the red sign (delete control) only shows up when I drag the cell out of the tableview (meaning the iphone reloads the cell again, and it is here when it detects that the cell was "flagged" as editing).

The problem is right when I select "edit" button, red controls should show up but they don't.

I did implement the tableview's delegate method for returning a editing type control ( either an insert ot deletion) and no luck.

Best Answer

Of course you can use a UIViewController.

in the setEditing:animate Method, simply call

[super setEditing:editing animated:animate];
[self.myTableView setEditing:editing animated:animate];

and you will get those nice little icons ;)