Iphone – The executable was signed with invalid entitlements


So here we are yet again. I already have an app on the app store, that took me 2 days to get past all the errors and just get the thing on there.

Right now, I'm trying to put the 1.1 update on my brother's iPod Touch for testing. I pressed 'Use for development'. That's fine, works. Then i build and go, and it says 'The iPod “Dans Ipod touch” doesn’t have the provisioning profile with which the application was signed.' so i press Install And Run to install the provisioning profile, and then get 'The executable was signed with invalid entitlements'.

I'll be clear – all i want to do right now is to test the app on an iPod Touch, which is plugged into the computer. How do I get past this error and do that? I have what i thought was a valid provisioning profile selected in active target and active executable, but apparently that isn't enough. Any ideas?

Best Answer

Couple of easy things to try:

  • Do a Clean before building again.

  • Go to Xcode's Organizer and click on all the Profiles, checking they are valid. Xcode'll throw up warning text if say, something is missing in Keychain.