Iphone – UITableView’s indexPathsForVisibleRows incorrect


When I check for a table's visible indexPaths with 'indexPathsForVisibleRows' during UIScrollViewDelegate's scrollViewDidScroll and scrollViewDidEndDragging, it seems to be accurate.

But sometimes just when scrolling and dragging is ending and 'cellForRowAtIndexPath' is invoked, the call to 'indexPathsForVisibleRows' returns 0. There are rows visible on-screen so I know it can't be 0. As soon as this happens, I can invoke UITableView::visibleCells and get a non-zero value.

Why does this discrepancy exist?

Best Answer

Did you tried calling methods in below sequence:

[MyTable visibleCells];
[MyTable indexPathsForVisibleRows];

There is a bug in iOS with indexPathsForVisibleRows. Use above two line code to get correct visible rows.

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