Iphone – UITextField keyboard doesn’t appear


I have a very simple screen with an UITextField with the default configuration, nothing special.

When I touch the UITextField, the keyboard doesn't pops up.

I haven't any custom control, behavior or anything else, just that, but it doesnt'work.

I've done this in previous apps iPhone/iPad apps already on the AppStore but i can't figure out what's going wrong here.

The UITextField is created in Interface Builder, in the nib file.
I've been doing some research and i added an IBAction in the UIViewController for UItextField TouchDown event and the IBOutlet for the UITexField.
In the first line of the code i added:

[textFild becomeFirstResponder];

That's the default behavior of the UITextField, when you touch it, it becomes the first responder asking the system to show the keyboard.
I debugged it and it runs that line, but the keyboard still doesn't shows up.
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Many times your code is right, it's just about the settings of your Xcode or the Simulator.

Try Toggling Keyboard Software in the Simulator

Simulator --> Hardware --> Keyboard --> Toggle Software Keyboard

OR just simply hit Command + K it would do the same thing