Iphone – Xcode falsely claims CFBundleExecutable to be (null)


I'm trying to create an ad-hoc build of an iPhone app for beta testing.

On their end, they're seeing an error like the following:

"The info.plist for application at xxx specifies a CFBundleExecutable of (null), which does not exist"

Here is an excerpt from the actual info.plist:


And it clearly is not null.

What am I doing wrong here?

Best Answer

The WORKING SOLUTION is this (and only this):

In Xcode, choose “Executables” from the project hierarchy. Click your project executable then press Command-I. Choose the General tab and set the working directory to “Build Products directory”.

Found via BrainwashInc, who credits MacHackShack. I thought this valuable information was way too important to leave floating around on random blog.

It seems like sometimes XCode may flip this setting, as I suddenly started having this issue, and the fix above repaired it. Changing it back to "project directory" reproduces the issue for me, every time.

I also had to restart XCode to get the debugger to work once this fix installed the app, that may be unrelated.