Iphone – Xcode Includes .xib files that have been deleted!


I have a problem with Xcode that I can't seem to resolve. I have a view controller lets call "foobarViewController", there was a "foobarViewController.xib" to accompany it. In this controller I splish-splashed with the view to make it look the way I wanted, but decided to do it pragmatically. And so I deleted the xib from the project, cleaned all targets, restarted xcode, restarted COMPUTER, deleted the old build folder even and STILL when I compile the view includes objects that were only in the XIB file.

What is going on here?

Best Answer

Try these 3 things:

  • Delete app from simulator

From Xcode:

  • Build Menu -> Clean All Targets -> Check both boxes -> Clean
  • XCode Menu -> Empty Caches... -> Empty