Jasper Report Desginer does not show static text or text field


Originally my report is created in v5.2.0. My report also uses resource bundles file. When open in eclipse using ireport designer plugin v 5.2.0, it can show all – static text and text field. enter image description here

But when I am using ireport designer v5.1.0. It shows nothing. like enter image description here

Do I need to configure something in iReport Designer?? Am I missing something??

Best Answer

I have had this happen because of the size of the static text box in relation to the font size. If the Font size is too large, it will cause the text to wrap to the next line and out of the frame. I am guessing that different versions of iReport have different thresholds before the wrapping occurs.

What I ended up doing to verify this was to make the box bigger until the text appeared. Then I played with the Font size until it would fit in the size box I needed.

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