Java – Adding multiple servlets in single web.xml


I am trying to run two Servlet-class in a single web.xml but its not working, each servlet-class works fine independently.









Do let me know if you can figure something wrong that i am doing.

I tried the below link but it doesnt work for me
Can I use Spring MVC and Spring WS in one single application?

Best Answer

This isn't going to work. The one which is mapped on /* overtakes all requests. You need to map it on / instead so that it will only intercept on requests which are not matched by all other existing servlets (including the JSP servlet which is implicitly mapped on *.jsp and all "normal" static resources like CSS/JS/image files!). See also Difference between / and /* in servlet mapping url pattern.

If being able to serve static resources is also required, then better map it on a more specific URL pattern like /ws/* and create a Filter which checks the request URI and then forwards accordingly. That filter can in turn safely be mapped on /*. See also this answer for a more concrete code example: How to access static resources when mapping a global front controller servlet on /*.