Java – Alias for Field Names


Say I have an Object:

Object A
    String field1 = "abc";
    String field2 = "xyz";

The json for the above is:

    "ObjectA": {
      "field1": "abc",
      "field2": "xyz"

I was trying to create a new id for the field names before sending the json. E.g. "field1" to be called "f1" and "field2" to be called "f2". So the intended output json is shown below:

    "ObjectA": {
      "f1": "abc",
      "f2": "xyz"

I am not sure how to do this. Can the above be done in a clean way? Thanks for your help and pointers.

I am using gson.

Best Answer

Use the annotation @SerializedName("name") on your fields. Like this:

Object A
String field1 = "abc";
String field2 = "xyz";
