Java – Android: Import DrawerLayout cannot be resolved


I'm trying to import the classes required to use the new "Navigation Drawer" from Android



The import cannot be resolved
The import cannot be resolved

I have updated the libraries to the latest version but still these classes are not recognized.

Best Answer

How do I update the JARs in libs?

I usually do it by copying the file. You will find the JARs inside $ANDROID_SDK/extras/android/support, where $ANDROID_SDK is wherever your Android SDK is installed.

If you use Eclipse, if you copy this at the filesystem level, and Eclipse is open, press <F5> with the project highlighted in Package Manager so Eclipse picks up the changes. Easier is to drag it out of the SDK and drop the JAR into libs/ right in Eclipse, which will both update the filesystem and let Eclipse know about the change.

It's possible that the Eclipse option to add the JARs (right-click over the project, then choose Android Tools > Add Support Library... from the context menu) will also do this. That particular approach doesn't work for me due to some peculiarities with my development environment.