Java – Angle between two 3D vectors


I have a series of vertices (pink) that I want to rotate so that one edge of the pattern of vertices matches with the edge of the triangle (white).

To do this, I first create two vectors to represent the edges: floretAB and triangleAB (green). I then find the cross product of the two to get an axis around which I can rotate the vertices (red).

I then get the angle between the two vectors, and use that, with the rotation axis to create a quaternion. Finally, I rotate all the vertices around the quaternion.

enter image description here

Before rotation


enter image description here

What rotation should produce


However, although the vertices correctly rotate around the quaternion, the angle is not coming out correct, as illustrated here:

enter image description here

This is the code I'm using to get the angle between the two vectors. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong:

double[] cross = new double[3];
crossProduct(floretAB.mX, floretAB.mY, floretAB.mZ, triangleAB.mX, triangleAB.mY, triangleAB.mZ, cross);
double dot = dotProduct(floretAB.mX, floretAB.mY, floretAB.mZ, triangleAB.mX, triangleAB.mY, triangleAB.mZ);
double crossMag = Math.sqrt(cross[0]*cross[0] + cross[1]*cross[1] + cross[2]*cross[2]);
double angle = Math.atan2(crossMag, dot);

public static double dotProduct(double vector1X,double vector1Y,double vector1Z,double vector2X,double vector2Y,double vector2Z){

    return vector1X*vector2X + vector1Y*vector2Y + vector1Z*vector2Z;


public static void crossProduct(double vector1X,double vector1Y,double vector1Z,double vector2X,double vector2Y,double vector2Z, double[] outputArray){

    outputArray[0] = vector1Y*vector2Z - vector1Z*vector2Y;     
    outputArray[1] = vector1Z*vector2X - vector1X*vector2Z;
    outputArray[2] = vector1X*vector2Y - vector1Y*vector2X;


Any help with this would be most appreciated as it is really bugging me.

Thanks, James

Edit: Here is the rest of the code:

        // get floret p1,p2 vector
    // get triangle p1,p2 vector
    Vector3D floretAB = new Vector3D(florets3D[0], florets3D[7]);
    // get triangle p1,p2 vector
    Vector3D triangleAB = new Vector3D(triangle[0], triangle[1]);

    // get rotation axis (cross) and angle (dot)

    double[] cross = new double[3];
    crossProduct(floretAB.mX, floretAB.mY, floretAB.mZ, triangleAB.mX, triangleAB.mY, triangleAB.mZ, cross);
    double dotMag = floretAB.getMagnitude() * triangleAB.getMagnitude();
    double dot = dotProduct(floretAB.mX, floretAB.mY, floretAB.mZ, triangleAB.mX, triangleAB.mY, triangleAB.mZ) / dotMag;
    double angle = Math.acos(dot);

    double[] cross = new double[3];
    crossProduct(floretAB.mX, floretAB.mY, floretAB.mZ, triangleAB.mX, triangleAB.mY, triangleAB.mZ, cross);
    double dot = dotProduct(floretAB.mX, floretAB.mY, floretAB.mZ, triangleAB.mX, triangleAB.mY, triangleAB.mZ);
    double crossMag = Math.sqrt(cross[0]*cross[0] + cross[1]*cross[1] + cross[2]*cross[2]);
    double angle = Math.atan2(crossMag, dot);

    // rotate floret so p1,p2 vector matches with triangle p1,p2 vector     
    double[] newVerts = new double[3];
    Quaternion quat = new Quaternion(cross[0], cross[1], cross[2], angle);
    for(int i = 0;i<numfloretVerts;i++){
        Vertex3D vert = florets3D[i];
        quat.RotateVector(vert.getmX(), vert.getmY(), vert.getmZ(), newVerts);


public class Vector3D {

public double mX;
public double mY;
public double mZ;

public Vertex3D point;

 * Constructs a vector from two points. The new vector is normalised
 * @param point1
 * @param point2
public Vector3D(Vertex3D point1, Vertex3D point2){
    mX = point2.getmX() - point1.getmX();
    mY = point2.getmY() - point1.getmY();
    mZ = point2.getmZ() - point1.getmZ();
    point = point1;

 * Normalises the vector
public void normalise(){
    double magnitude = Math.sqrt(mX*mX + mY*mY + mZ*mZ);
        mX /= magnitude;
        mY /= magnitude;
        mZ /= magnitude;

 * @return the magnitude of the vector
public double getMagnitude(){
    return Math.sqrt(mX*mX + mY*mY + mZ*mZ);



public class Quaternion {

private static final double TOLERANCE = 0.00001f;

double w;
double x;
double y;
double z;

public Quaternion(double axisX, double axisY, double axisZ, double angleInRadians){
    setAxisAngle(axisX, axisY, axisZ, angleInRadians);      

public void Normalise(){

    // Don't normalize if we don't have to
    double mag2 = w * w + x * x + y * y + z * z;
    if (Math.abs(mag2) > TOLERANCE && Math.abs(mag2 - 1.0f) > TOLERANCE) {
        double mag = (double) Math.sqrt(mag2);
        w /= mag;
        x /= mag;
        y /= mag;
        z /= mag;


public void getConjugate(double[] outputArray){

    outputArray[0] = w;
    outputArray[1] = -x;
    outputArray[2] = -y;
    outputArray[3] = -z;


public void Multiply(double[] aq, double[] rq, double[] outputArray){

    outputArray[0] = aq[0] * rq[0] - aq[1] * rq[1] - aq[2] * rq[2] - aq[3] * rq[3];
    outputArray[1] = aq[0] * rq[1] + aq[1] * rq[0] + aq[2] * rq[3] - aq[3] * rq[2];
    outputArray[2] = aq[0] * rq[2] + aq[2] * rq[0] + aq[3] * rq[1] - aq[1] * rq[3];
    outputArray[3] = aq[0] * rq[3] + aq[3] * rq[0] + aq[1] * rq[2] - aq[2] * rq[1];


private double[] vecQuat = new double[4];
private double[] resQuat = new double[4];
private double[] thisQuat = new double[4];

private double[] conj = new double[4];

 * Rotates a vector (or point) around this axis-angle
 * @param vectorX the x component of the vector (or point)
 * @param vectorY the y component of the vector (or point)
 * @param vectorZ the z component of the vector (or point)
 * @param outputArray the array in which the results will be stored
public void RotateVector(double vectorX, double vectorY, double vectorZ, double[] outputArray){

    vecQuat[0] = 0.0f;
    vecQuat[1] = vectorX;
    vecQuat[2] = vectorY;
    vecQuat[3] = vectorZ;

    thisQuat[0] = w;
    thisQuat[1] = x;
    thisQuat[2] = y;
    thisQuat[3] = z;


    outputArray[0] = vecQuat[1];
    outputArray[1] = vecQuat[2];
    outputArray[2] = vecQuat[3];


 * set Quaternion by providing axis-angle form
public void setAxisAngle(double axisX, double axisY, double axisZ, double angleInRadians){
    w = (double) Math.cos( angleInRadians/2);
    x = (double) (axisX * Math.sin( angleInRadians/2 ));
    y = (double) (axisY * Math.sin( angleInRadians/2 ));
    z = (double) (axisZ * Math.sin( angleInRadians/2 ));


Best Answer

I think you've overcomplicated your maths.

Given two unit vectors (you did say they were normalised) then the magnitude of the cross product is equal to sin(theta). There shouldn't be any need to invoke the dot product or atan2.

You possibly also need to normalise the cross product vector result too before you create the quaternion - it depends on your implementation of new Quaternion(x, y, z, theta) and whether it requires [x, y, z] to be normalised or not.