Java – Aspect-oriented programming in Java


What is the best tool for Java for aspect-oriented programming?

The requirements for a tool are of course IDE support, expressiveness and proper documentation.

Best Answer

JBossAOP and AspectJ are two commonly used, mature frameworks for AOP. Another popular choice is Spring AOP, but it lacks some of the features of the other two.

Both JBossAOP and AspectJ have similar features, one big difference being that AspectJ relies on extensions to the Java language, whereas JBoss AOP does not.

If your AOP requirements are fairly simple, it's also worth considering a byte-code manipulation library, such as ASM. I've used ASM to implement simple 'around-advice' (ie, code that is injected before and after method invocations), and it proved to be a more lightweight alternative to JBossAOP. ASM is cleanly-designed and well-documented.