Java – BlazeDS support on Z-Linux


I am working on a proposal where we intent to use Flash remoting in Flex and conntext it Java Web application using AMF. We are looking at using BlazeDS or LCDS. The final applicaiton is to be deployed on Z-Linux Server.

I came across a thread on Adobe Forums that says this will not work. Link to the Adobe Forum:

That thread is also active; however it would be great if you can answer this for me.

Best Answer

Blaze DS should work on Z-Linux.

Why? Blaze DS is not LiveCycle. From the link you provided:

LiveCycle has some non-Java C++ components. By their very nature, these have to be compiled for the mainframe CPU architecture."*

Since Blaze DS is 100% Java, it is therefore cross platform, and so will work on your Z-Linux platform if there is a Java-compliant JVM, which I assume there is.

You might need to scope your performance requirements, though. While my own use of Blaze DS has performed just fine, Adobe's web site implies that Blaze DS has inherent scaling limitation that LiveCyle does not. YMMV.