Java – BlazeDS : what ARE those standard security fault codes


I'm trying to write a Flex client that interacts with a Spring-Flex java application. I would like to catch (the flex equivalent of) SecurityExceptions and

  • Display an error page if the user was trying to do something they aren't allowed to do
  • Pop up a login box if the user wasn't logged in

According to the Spring-Flex docs,

any thrown SpringSecurityException [is translated] to the proper BlazeDS
The exceptions are caught and translated at the proper point in the execution chain such
that it will result in the proper AMF error message being serialized and sent back to
the client.

Sending back specific AMF error messages instead causes a FaultEvent to be thrown
client-side that contains the proper security fault code that can then be reasoned
on and appropriate action can be taken. This behavior is equivalent to that of the
out-of-the-box container-based security mechanisms provided with BlazeDS, so the
programming model client-side remains the same.

Very nice.

Except I couldn't find a list of security fault codes I should handle on the client-side. The best I could come up with was a question requesting a flex faultcode list. Apparently there is no such list. Am I doomed ?

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

I'd actually suggest looking at the source code for BlazeDS for this. I don't know of another place where it is documented.