Java – buildnumber-maven-plugin got svn: Authentication required for ‘Subversion Repository’ error


buildnumber-maven-plugin cannot check the latest revision number of the svn code base.
pom config


when i run mvn compile on Ubuntu 11.10 i got error message as following

[INFO] --- buildnumber-maven-plugin:1.0:create (default) @ some-module ---
[INFO] Change the default 'svn' provider implementation to 'javasvn'.
[INFO] Checking for local modifications: skipped.
[INFO] SVN update directory: /path/to/my/project/some-module
[ERROR] Provider message:
[ERROR] SVN update failed.
[ERROR] Command output:
[ERROR] svn: Authentication required for '<> Subversion Repository'

at the same time, the svn up works fine.

But i run the same command on Window 7, this plugin can get the revision number and the error message do not show up and i use TortoiseSVN can also update the module.

So there MUST has a default config for maven-scm-provider-svnjava plugin to get the username and password for the subversion repository? Where is it? How to configure this?

I already tried mvn compile -Dusername=xxx -Dpassword=yyy, it works but the username and password parameters conflicts with my database configs. BTW, settings.xml file in the .m2 directory only has Maven Repository configs.

I user java 1.6.0-31, maven 3.0.4, TortoiseSvn 1.6.16, svn 1.6.12 on Ubuntu 11.10.

Turn out that the answers is related to this question: SVN won't cache credentials, problem solved.

Best Answer

settings.xml, server section


id must correlate to connection in scm section

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