Java: Calling a stored procedure in an oracle database


EDIT: While some of the answers in this question may help others with different problems, the solution was actually related to some bug with the auto-commit feature on a database connection! Forcing a commit after executing the query caused the database to reflect the changes, thus the code shown below IS the correct way to call a stored procedure of this type

I'm trying to call a simple stored procedure in an oracle database.

The procedure looks like this:

procedure clear_orderProcDtlByOrdId(p_order_id in order_header.order_id%type,
                                    p_transaction_id in sl_order_processing_dtl.transaction_id%type DEFAULT NULL,
                                    p_item_action_id in sl_order_processing_dtl.item_action_id%type DEFAULT NULL )

The java code I'm having trouble with looks like this

        CallableStatement storedProc = conn.prepareCall("{call PKG_PI_FRAUD.clear_orderProcDtlByOrdId(?)}");
        storedProc.setString(1, orderID);
    catch (SQLException e) 

I'm not receiving any errors at all, however there are no database changes being reflected. When I run the procedure in SQL Developer I see results. I thought it might be because of a commit issue, but the connection I have established is in auto-commit mode.

Any help would be appreciated!

Best Answer

While some of the answers in this question may help others with different problems, the solution was actually related to some bug with the auto-commit feature on a database connection! Forcing a commit after executing the query caused the database to reflect the changes, thus the code shown in the question IS the correct way to call a stored procedure of this type!