Java – Can multiple accelerators be defined for a JMenuItem


I've a problem with setAccelerator(). Right now, I have the code that works for Ctrl+X for DELETE operation. I want to set the accelerator to Shift+Delete as well for same JMenuItem.

My code as follows:

JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(menuText);
    KeyEvent.VK_X, KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK));
    KeyEvent.VK_DELETE, KeyEvent.SHIFT_MASK));

but this is working only for Shift+Delete operation. Seems it is overriding the Ctrl+X operation. Can we make both these keystrokes work at the same time?

Please guide.

Best Answer

Yes it can be done. Behind the scenes the setAccelerator() is just creating a Key Binding, however as you noticed the second binding replaces the first.

So, you need to create an Action (not an ActionListener) to add the to the menu item. Read the section from the Swing tutorial on How to Use Actions for more information. Now that you have created the Action, you can share the Action with another KeyStroke by manually creating a Key Binding. You can read the section from the Swing tutorial on How to Use Key Bindings for a detailed explanation. Or you can read my blog on Key Bindings which give some simple code examples.

This second binding will not show up on the menu item itself.