Java – Cannot create or edit Android Virtual Devices (AVD) from Eclipse, ADT 22.6


This problem sounds similar to a few others, except in my case the OK button is not grey-ed out. But for those who would rather not click the links…

Trying to create or edit an AVD from within Eclipse, after entering my settings, the "OK" button seems to be "clickable", but when I click it absolutely nothing happens. clickable but useless

I've made sure I have the appropriate system images installed, and that the target platform matches the API being used. Clearly a CPU has been chosen, skin set, etc… all the things that would make the OK button greyed out, which it's not.

I can create/edit AVDs if I run the AVD manager from outside eclipse, so this isn't the end of the world, but I feel there's a solution to this particular problem and I want to help solve it.

I've tried running eclipse as an administrator (that's what stopped the AVD manager from crashing outside of eclipse). I've tried just waiting around, or clicking multiple times. Looking at the Task Manager, no new processes begin when I click OK, nor does eclipse's CPU or RAM usage increase at all. The "Edit Android Virtual Device" window doesn't even go away.

Any clues?

(Running Indigo with the ADT plugin, btw, not the bundled version, which failed to work in a different way. Java 1.6.0 45. Windows 8, unfortunately. Plenty of RAM etc)

Best Answer


Download and install new ADT v22.6.1 from here (zip) or use SDK manager to update

Seems like some bug from Google side, this problem found after "ADT 22.6" update. Widely reported on "Android Open Source Project - Issue Tracker" and nobody properly answered it yet.

However I was partially successful to create an AVD by opening "AVD manager.exe" from "Android SDK" for creating new AVD try to open directly AVD Manager.exe in SDK folder.

May be we have to wait for any conformation from Android community

Worked for me, sort of.. .

(Windows 8.1 Pro 64 Bit, Java JDK 1.7 Update 25, Eclipse Standard Kepler Service Release 1, Android Development Toolkit 22.6.0.v201403010043-1049357)

Update 1

Further research revealed that launching AVD Manager from SDK Manager (Tools --> Manage AVDs...) also works without any problems.

Update 2

More bad news is AVD creation not working from command line tool too.

Update 3

Assuming some parameter passed during launching AVD manager from Eclipse causes these problems

Update 4

Updated Java to JDK 1.7 Update 51 and Eclipse Standard SDK to Kepler Service Release 2 their latest and no resolution to the problems. Also tested under Debian and same results obtained.

Update 5

At android project members conforms the problems and promises to fix by upcoming versions of ADT (22.6.1 - 22.6.3). At the mean time I would suggest to roll-back ADT to a lower version version 22.3.0

To uninstall current ADT go to

Help --> About Eclipse --> Installation Details --> Android Development Tools --> Uninstall

I may suggest uninstalling whole packages from Android (DDMS, Hierarchy Viewer, NDT, Traceview, OpenGL ES..etc..) to avoid any possible compatibility issues and install a fresh new ADT from above link through archive installation method.

Hope this will solve this problem temporarily. And wait for new release of ADT here.

Update 6

New ADT, version 22.6.1 is out now which will solve these problems

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