Java – Compare log4j and Logger


How does The JDK's Logger compare to Apache log4j?

Which one is better for new projects that target Java 6? How do they compare in terms of flexibility and configurability?

Best Answer

To my mind the only thing the JDK Logger has going for it is that it is part of the JDK, so it doesn't add an external dependency. If the choice is only between those two, I'd go with Log4j. It still has better support in terms of appenders, the number of people who know it (in my anecdotal observations), and a better API (that is subjective as well).

Starting a project today, the most tempting thing to do is go with slf4j and deffer the decision - you can always plug in a different framework underneath slf4j by just changing the classpath.

That being said there are other options (such as Log5j) that take advantage of the latest Java language features. I'd recommend taking a long look Logback (from one of the main programmers of Log4j, as is slf4j).