Java – Complex concurrency in JavaFX: using ObservableLists and Properties from multiple worker threads


I have multiple worker threads, and a JavaFX GUI which is reporting on what is happening in these threads.

There is a lot of data shared between threads and it needs to be visualized. So I'm using ObservableList's and Property's to be able to easily show the data in JavaFX.

I've made a small example app to show something similar to what happens in my application.
It has 2 lists and the worker thread moves data from one list to the other. A status String is kept up to date.
Full example code can be found at (this code will crash, see later)

Here are the shared ObservableList's & Properties:

private ObservableList<String> newItems;
private ObservableList<String> readyItems;
private StringProperty status;

Here's how they are used in JavaFX:


The worker thread updates these lists and properties, but off course, it needs to do this on the JavaFX thread, and that's where things get ugly.
This would be the code if I didn't have to update on the JavaFX thread:

  Runnable newItemAdder = new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
          while(true) {
              synchronized (newItems) {
                  String newItem = checkForNewItem(); //slow
                  if (newItem != null) {
                  if (newItems.size() >= 5)

              synchronized (readyItems) {
                  if (readyItems.size() > 10)

              try { Thread.sleep(200); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return; }
  new Thread(newItemAdder).start();

  Runnable worker = new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
          while(true) {
              List<String> toProcess = new ArrayList<String>();
              synchronized (newItems) {
                  if (newItems.isEmpty())
                      try { newItems.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return; }

              for (String item : toProcess) {
                  String processedItem = processItem(item); //slow
                  synchronized (readyItems) {
  new Thread(worker).start();

Off course, some things are easy to solve with Platform.runLater:

 Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
     public void run() {
         synchronized (newItems) {
             if (newItems.size() >= 5)

That's fine for properties/lists that I only write to in the task, and only read in the JavaFX GUI.
But it gets very complicated to do it for the lists in this example, on which you need to synchronize, read and write. You need add a lot of Platform.runLater and you need to block until the "runLater" task has finished. This results in very complex and hard to read and write code (I managed to get this example running this way, see what I mean:

Are there any other ways to get my example working? I'd appreciate any other solution or partial solutions…

Best Answer

Background Info

Task javadoc includes numerous concurrency usage patterns for passing data between threads in JavaFX.

Task includes convenience data transfer methods such as updateMessage and can be used instead of your Runnable with the user defined status property.

When appropriate, consider using a collection structure designed for concurrency, such as a BlockingQueue. An additional advantage is that BlockingQueues can have size limits, which seems like something you want.

Some general advice

  1. Be very careful when using mutable observable items in multiple threads. It is easy to inadvertently trigger updates that result in race conditions, updates to the active scene graph off the application thread and other threading issues.
  2. As much as possible, use immutable data rather than mutable observable items.
  3. Leverage some of the higher level utilities from the JavaFX concurrency and java.util.concurrent libraries.
  4. Avoid explicit synchronization and notify statements as much as possible.
  5. Be careful placing synchronization or other potentially blocking statements in code that runs on the JavaFX Application Thread - as you may make your GUI unresponsive.
  6. Use the JavaFX concurrency utilities only when you need interaction with the JavaFX thread.
  7. Do a lot of your very complicated multi-threaded processing off of the JavaFX thread using standard Java concurrency utilities. Have a single co-ordinating JavaFX Task for coalescing and controlling UI feedback.

The above are just rules of thumb and don't need to be followed didactically.

Reasonably Complex Threading Samples

  • A chart renderer that demonstrates some of the principles above to render 300 charts while still keeping the UI responsive to progress updates and user interaction.
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