Java – Continuous Integration: keeping the test DB schema up-to-date

continuous integrationhudsonjavaunit testing

I'm setting up a continuous integration server (Hudson) to build a Java project and run the relevant unit/integration tests. Most of these tests access a database and the test data is kept in a DbUnit XML file.

I'm looking for a way to automatically keep the test database schema up-to-date. Currently the SQL script for a particular release is stored in a directory named after the release version:


For example, the SQL script for version 0.1.4 is


The problem is that these scripts contain a mixture of schema changes (e.g. ALTER TABLE…) and changes to the static tables (e.g. add a new role to the USER_TYPE table).

In the case of the unit tests I only want to apply the schema changes, because as mentioned above, all the data for the unit tests is kept in a DbUnit XML file. Although I could separate these two types of database changes into different files, there will often be a dependency between the schema changes and the data changes that will need to be somehow enforced when the release is being applied to QA, production, etc.

Anyway, this is just a very long-winded way of asking whether anyone has come up with a robust way to automatically keep their test schema up-to-date? I know Unitils has some support for keeping a test schema up-to-date, but I'm not sure if it can 'ignore' data update statements in the SQL delta scripts.

Best Answer

A previous poster listed Liquibase as an option, however they failed to mention Liquibase's ability to define rules which run in particular contexts (Contexts in Liquibase). This allows you to have the schema updates not marked with any particular context and the fixtures for the unit tests marked as a context of test. This way, the fixtures will only be inserted when you run your unit tests.

Here is an example of a Liquibase change set that contains the schema and the fixtures:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<databaseChangeLog xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
  <changeSet author="avalade" id="1">
    <createTable tableName="users">
      <column autoIncrement="true" name="id" type="long">
        <constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" />
      <column name="email" type="varchar(255)" />
  <changeSet author="avalade" id="2" context="test">
    <insert tableName="user">
      <column name="id" value="1" />
      <column name="email" value="" />

Then, if you're using Spring to manage your DAO's, you could put the following in your Application Context file that you're deploying:

<bean id="liquibase" class="liquibase.spring.SpringLiquibase">
  <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
  <property name="changeLog" value="classpath:dbChangelog.xml" />

For the Application Context file that you use in your unit tests, configure Liquibase with an additional context property:

<bean id="liquibase" class="liquibase.spring.SpringLiquibase">
  <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
  <property name="changeLog" value="classpath:dbChangelog.xml" />
  <property name="contexts" value="test" />

This way, you can keep all of your database definitions together in one place and only insert your fixtures when you're running your test code.