Java – Converting the Database details to JSON object


I have a table with has the columns namely

recordID, recordName , titleFeild, titleIDMap, titleId, titleStartDate, titleEndDate, languageId

Now I have convert the data from above columns to the JSON object data which looks like below

  "recordId" :10,
  "recordName" : "RECORDS",
  "records" : [ {
    "titleField" : 1,
    "titleIDMap" : null,
    "titleId" : 500,
    "titleStartDate" : "2013-12-22T00:00:00.000+0000",
    "titleEndDate" : "2013-12-03T00:00:00.000+0000",
    "languageId" : 20

Please note that records is an array of columns ( titleFeild,titleIDMap,titleId,titleStartDate,titleEndDate,languageId)

The code so far I have developed is

    List<Object[]> objList = dao.getStatus();
    Integer result = null;
     JSONObject jsonData = new JSONObject();
     JSONArray jsonDataArray = new JSONArray();
    if(objList!=null && objList.size()>10000)
            for (Object[] nameObj : objList) {

                jsonData.put("", nameObj.get(arg0) );


How do I construct the JSON Object from the columns data ?

Best Answer

You can easily achieve this with google-gson library. In simple terms you would have to create a couple of Pojos (with reference to another containin a list of references).

Consider RecordID and RecordName as Meta Data.

Create a pojo representing this information:

public class DbMetaPojo {

    private int recordID;
    private String recordName;
    private List<Record> records;

    public List<Record> getRecords() {
        return records;

    public void setRecords(List<Record> records) {
        this.records = records;

    public String getRecordName() {
        return recordName;

    public void setRecordName(String recordName) {
        this.recordName = recordName;

    public int getRecordID() {
        return recordID;

    public void setRecordID(int recordID) {
        this.recordID = recordID;


Create another pojo with the actual Record fields:

public class Record {

    public int getTitleFeild() {
        return titleFeild;

    public void setTitleFeild(int i) {
        this.titleFeild = i;

    public String getTitleIDMap() {
        return titleIDMap;

    public void setTitleIDMap(String titleIDMap) {
        this.titleIDMap = titleIDMap;

    public int getTitleId() {
        return titleId;

    public void setTitleId(int titleId) {
        this.titleId = titleId;

    public String getTitleStartDate() {
        return titleStartDate;

    public void setTitleStartDate(String titleStartDate) {
        this.titleStartDate = titleStartDate;

    public String getTitleEndDate() {
        return titleEndDate;

    public void setTitleEndDate(String titleEndDate) {
        this.titleEndDate = titleEndDate;

    public int getLanguageId() {
        return languageId;

    public void setLanguageId(int languageId) {
        this.languageId = languageId;

    private int titleFeild;
    private String titleIDMap;
    private int titleId;
    private String titleStartDate;
    private String titleEndDate;
    private int languageId;


Now just a method to populate your POJOs with the relevant data (replace the hardcoding logic with your data retrieve):

public static void main(String... main) {
        DbMetaPojo obj = new DbMetaPojo();


        Record record = new Record();

        record.setTitleIDMap("SOME NULL");

        List<Record> list = new ArrayList<Record>();

        Gson gson = new Gson();

        String json = gson.toJson(obj);


Output is your formed JSON:

    "recordID": 10,
    "recordName": "RECORDS",
    "records": [
            "titleFeild": 1,
            "titleIDMap": "SOME NULL",
            "titleId": 500,
            "titleStartDate": "2013-12-22T00:00:00.000+0000",
            "titleEndDate": "2013-12-22T00:00:00.000+0000",
            "languageId": 20


To align to your code, you might want to do something like:

List<Object> objList = dao.getStatus();
        List<DbMetaPojo> metaList = new ArrayList<DbMetaPojo> ();
        if (objList != null && objList.size() > 10000) {
            for (Object nameObj : objList) {
                DbMetaPojo meta = new DbMetaPojo();
