Java – create Excel sheet between existing sheet using POI


I build the code to meet my client requirement using class

Now I got a new requirement to create a new excel sheet in between two existing sheets. In the existing excel file there are already three sheets at the index numbers p,1,2. I want to create a sheet at index number 2 moving the sheet at index number 2 to 3.

I could able to find the sheets names in Excel file using the code:

for (int i = 0; i < wb.getNumberOfSheets(); i++) 
          System.out.println("Sheet name: " + wb.getSheetName(i));

Also, I could able to find the sheet index numbres in Excel file using the code:

System.out.println("Sheet name: " + wb.getSheetIndex("Retail - All"));

The code I used to create a new sheet is: Sheet failuresSheet= wb.createSheet("Failures"); This is creating a new sheet at end. Please let me know the correct code for my requirement.

Remember that I used the class to meet my requirement.

Please let me know how to create a sheet at Index no 2 moving the sheet at index no 2 to 3. Thanks you in advance.

Best Answer

Look at this javadoc, you could change the shhet order with that method. So you need:

wb.setSheetOrder("Failures",1); //the index is 0 based
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